Sunday, October 2, 2011

Youtube Makeup Gurus

When "Youtube" is mentioned, almost everyone knows that it is the most popular video sharing website where viewers can watch music videos, funny videos, as well as "how to" videos...the list can go on and on as there are many category of videos. In the "how to" category of videos, I find the makeup guru videos very popular. In these videos, professional makeup artists or experienced makeup users posts videos of themselves teaching viewers how to apply makeup for a certain look such as for prom, a date, "The Lady Gaga Bad Romance Look" or just as simple as a normal everyday look for school. These videos would be a step by step tutorial and very easy to follow. It also depends on the complexity of the look.

I find myself and other girls as well watching these videos as we are trying to learn a new "look" or discover a new beauty tip. These videos spark an interest in us as we hope to achieve the look that the guru is teaching us. We seek out new makeup trends or tips/tricks to add to our "box of looks" to enhance our beauty. This is an effective example of praxis because these are the things that females do in the hopes of beautifying ourselves. It is a "pursuit without terminus" because there are always new looks or tools to practice or try to enhance our ads lure us as well... for example some would say, "make your lashes longer with..." or "for flawless skin, try...". Often times, these unattainable standards are what is dangerous for females as we obsess over trying to achieve these looks. The concept of docile body fits as well because we eagerly go along with it to try these makeup trends or tricks to have "the look" or simply just to have a normal and fresh everyday look. The millions of views on these makeup guru videos itself prove the concept of docile body because other viewers follow these experts and we can be one of them.

A popular makeup guru is Michelle Phan and this is one of her videos:


  1. This is a great point. While watching this video, I found myself thinking that I should wear more makeup or buy different kinds since I wear the same stuff every day. Watching these videos can make you feel inadequate or like you have to wear lots of makeup to be pretty. Also, these videos always make it look so simple and easy to look like this, when it actually takes a lot of time and money. For example, many of these videos feature designer name makeup, like Lancome, in this video which is very expensive especially for the main audience of these videos which are teenage and young women. Not including all of the tools and brushes they use to apply the makeup perfectly. I think these videos are fine to watch if you want to try something different or get some tips but not to be viewed habitually or in a way to say "Do your makeup like this and you'll be pretty!"

  2. I admit I watch an unhealthy amount of beauty videos on youtube. While I love to watch the videos, I always cannot help but think of how unrealistic they are. Like Corrine mentioned in the other comment, the majority of the audience watching their videos cannot afford Lancome or MAC products (which btw, the beauty girls more often than not get for free!) and instead have to try their looks using cheaper products. But i never manage to be able to wear and pull off the look they are teaching, so rarely do i find a tip that is great and useful for me. It's amazing how these youtube girls have made this their full time job and get so many sponsors and endorsements.

  3. It's amazing to me (though it should not be) that I have never HEARD of this....
