Sunday, October 2, 2011

Popularity Contest

This is similar to a lot of posts, but attraction is something we are constantly subjected to. I didn't notice this until I read our assignment this week, but when I was getting ready to go workout at the Rec, I was debating on what 'outfit' I should wear and what headband I should wear with it in order to look the best. I started laughing at myself because I was actually stressing out about how I would look when I was just going to get sweaty and hot anyways. A lot of women at the Rec have the latest workout outfits and are all dolled up like it's some popularity contest. Let's see who can look the most attractive while running on treadmill dripping sweat. It's almost like speed dating; hopping from one machine to the next trying to impress the next person that comes along. No wonder Bordo correlates eating disorders with the female ideal body, or 'docile body.' There is so much pressure to constantly look good everywhere we go. It seems that most women are always searching for a new and improved way to workout, shed pounds, and lose inches, which, in reality is just a 'pursuit without a terminus.' There will be a never ending need for those fad diets and latest workout regimens because society subjects us to the idea that 'looks are everything.'

1 comment:

  1. I found myself doing that too, yesterday, when I was going to go work out! I dug through my clothes to find the shirt that matched the Nike swoosh on my shoes, and then when I realized what I was doing, I couldn't help but laugh at myself. It's such a sad concept, but so true. We talked in class about the "body practices" of making ourselves look good everyday, and how there is nothing wrong with wanting to look nice. But who really cares how we look when we're going to the gym?!
