Monday, October 3, 2011

One more behavior I do regarding body practice...

I was walking on campus this morning next to a very tall and husky guy. I realized how "petite" I felt next to him and I have to admit, it made me feel pretty darn good! Why lose weight? Just hire a big and tall guy to follow you around and you will look RELATIVELY smaller. LOL. Ugh. I really am a victim of my culture. I don't really see that changing any time soon either.


  1. I immediately thought of Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries when I read this.

  2. For women this would be the case but for men standing near him that felt petite as well, it would be a different story. Any man doesn't want to be singled out as the little guy. So any typical male standing next to this giant of a man would get the sense of being small. In our culture where men having big muscles and look of power is wanted, the men around this giant must have felt a little uncomfortable.
