Sunday, October 23, 2011

I would consider myself to be a fairly organized and disciplined person. I am constantly writing to-do-lists in my planner and planning out my week in advance. I usually go to bed the same time every night and make time for a morning work out to get my day started. I think this is largely because of my high school career on the dance team. I tried out as an eighth grader and made JV for my ninth grade year, and Varsity every year after that until I graduated. We had practice six days a week 9 months out of the year with competitions almost every weekend. Our practices were meticulously planned out in order to make us as successful as possible. We would warm up, stretch, do the 4 minute dance, "clean" it (break up every movement so all 35 dancers looked alike), and then mix in 4 minute stamina sessions to prepare for a competition. There was a certain order to everything that was done. Now when I reflect on myself, I realize that if something is out of order or if my room is messy, I become a little anxious. If I forget to do a reading for class or an online homework assignment, I become very stressed. I think having a little bit of stress in my life is good and keeps me on top of my studies, but sometimes it becomes a little overwhelming. I have to remind myself sometimes that there is more to life than a perfect score on a test or an A paper. I need some "me" time to relax and take a breath, but not too much otherwise things get out of order.

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