Sunday, October 16, 2011

Enhance Your Curves with Benetton!

Growing up in the 80's,I can remember being inundated with Benetton advertisements. The name always gave me the idea that this was a forward thinking company which saw all colors as beutiful, hence the name. I hadn't thought about this company since then until this assignment. It was through my search for an image that I typed it in. This ad in particular caught my eye. The "Pin-up" sweater. REALLY?! This company is promoting the chauvenism of the 40's and 50's and giving the idea that a sweater (which is supposed to be thick enough to shield one from the cold)should be thin, tight and enhance your curves. I was born and raised here in good old FREAKIN' FREEZING Minnesota. Even if I had the body to wear it, I would not think this sweater appealing under my standars of winter attire. These women in the ad look so happy to be wearing a sweater that is almost like skin it is so tight. Yea right! You never find ads like this for men's sweaters. History is cyclical. What used to be, once again becomes. The modestly attired (especially compared to today's ads) pin-up girls are once again making a comeback because companies like Benetton are encouraging. The way I see it, that is what started the whole downward spiral of representation of women in advertisement in the first place.

1 comment:

  1. THis certainly READS '40's-50's;' and post Mad Men, that era and all its signification is hot and hip. But what happens when we do 'old' sexism and a 'joke'? Are we protected by a sort of irony? And really protected? The 'layers' here are interesting and significant.
