Sunday, October 23, 2011

I Feel the Need For...COD


I'm from a small town in Minnesota, and I lived in the country. I was the "country kid" on the school bus who had to get up a hour earlier than the "town kids" did to get to school. Growing up as the "country kid", I spent alot more time outdoors than the kids that lived in town. I didn't have the sega, N-64 or the playstation, but i did have an old three wheeler and my dads old .22 to play with. I remember going to school and not knowing really what the other kids were talking about when they raved about the new donkey kong or need for speed game. I was never really apart of the latest craze, when Halo came out or a new type of game boy hit the stores, I didn't know about till a month after everyone else and didn't really care. I was too busy to care, I was too busy helping my Grandpa on the farm or going fishing with my best friend Mike from school. I was too busy going off jumps with my three wheeler or lifting weights in my basement getting ready for the upcoming football season to start.

The reason why I didn't have the latest playstation or dance dance revolution wasn't because my family couldn't afford it, my parents didn't like the idea of owning them and I just didn't have that much of an interest for them. Instead, I wanted and got a dirt bike after I totaled my three wheeler or mud tires for the truck I drove. I did end up buying a X-box in high school, but the time I spent playing it didn't match up to its price tag. I just wasn't hooked into the gaming industry like most boys my age were. In college its almost seems like its required for every male college student to own an X-box 360 and flat screen TV to show off the amazing graphics of Gears of WAR or the detailed faces of their favorite NFL players on Madden 11. I on the other hand, don't feel the need for these items. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy playing these games, but an hour a week, if that, satisfies my desire for digital entertainment. In a generation marked by its technology use, I feel like a minority. I'm not proud or unhappy for saying that I don't feel the urge to play Call of Duty for hours on end or host a Madden tournament with my buddies, people who do this don't bother me at all. I just think its interesting how I am not part of the gaming world which is a big part of many people's lives. I like to attribute this to my family and how I grew up. Some people grew up playing video games and love to this day playing video games. I grew up going camping and I love going camping and I go camping whenever I get the chance.

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