Sunday, October 16, 2011

This picture comes from the recent occupy protests. The Main focus of the article is of an obviously classed young, white male. In a quick look to many around the U of M he may seem like a pretty normal looking guy. He certainly fits the average college student look with his hoodie and protest sign.

To people outside of the sphere of academia he has a different representation to him though. He is out protesting economic situations, in the interest of a lot of people. Even though a lot of people should be very concerned for what is happening this photo adds a certain alienation to many people. The image is of a young man, most likely in college or near that age, a lot of older people do not want to be associated with college kids. They represent a rash, naive view of the world that they have outgrown. With the size of the occupy protests obviously a lot of people are concerned. This image seems to simplify the protests into something that is only really upsetting the young who have not figured out the world yet. It seems to scream, "These protests are just another fantasy of children." I think the controlling powers of the press had a very serious hand in determining this photo as the one to use, pointing to just one very minor and easily dismissed group of protesters.


  1. Mitch, I agree that the agism is at play here. Only on Charlie Rose and other, what is considered to many as boring shows, will you see the older, more "experienced" people (men) behind the protests. Interesting point you have made here.

  2. I think the reading of this image could be more specific. I understand the agism as well. But what specifically in this photo defines 'youngness' as bad or good. It seems that your own intuition tells you to read that this screams "These protests are just another fantasy of children" rather than what is in the image itself.
    I understand your point about the controlling media, as well as the worlds lack of interest and demeaning attitudes toward a huge movement happening in our own nation. What I don't understand, is how this image (specifically this image) made you react the way it did.
