Monday, September 19, 2011

Politics on cars

The issue of politics really does open a can of worms, but I think everyone can look at bumper stickers specifically and be civil. When I see cars with political bumper stickers I immediately think to myself "Why would anyone do that?" Which I'm sure is true with most other people. Although those harmless, little semi-permanent stickers represent a quickly expiring event, people seem no less worried to sport them on all kinds of different vehicles, from pintos to BMWs. I may be a weirdo, but whenever I see them I instantly try to analyze the mindset of whatever politician is being advertised by the signs I can collect from whoever is driving the car, and from the car itself.
"They're going slow in the fast lane" Obviously means their demagogue must be unconventional and able to screw up a system that was working well without them.
"That huge SUV is taking up the entire road and driving like an idiot while doing so." Would seem to suggest that the party the owner is rooting for is republican.
I prescribe myself to neither political party so I'd prefer to not to get into the debate about politics, but I do find it funny that people even use political bumper stickers. They try to argue one into voting for a specific person in what I would consider the most passive way possible. These simple signs definitely show the position of whoever owns the vehicle though, and must have some effect on other people because they continue to propagate. More or less the whole goal of the stickers is to get word out about a specific candidate, and they certainly do that, putting even the rather quiet politicians into the foremost of our thoughts during a rather mundane process, helping to cement themselves in our minds through lack of alternatives to focus on.

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