Monday, September 19, 2011

The Drive for Beer

This is a a commercial for Bud Light, taking place in an average office. When the man is asked if brought any clothes to donate to the office's clothing drive, he passively brushes it off. When he is told about the free Bud Light he gets with every article of clothing donated, the light switch is turned on and he donates the clothes right off his back. It is clear that the main subject of this commercial is average beer drinking men. The only people walking around naked are men, except for the one woman working the front desk.
This commercials shows that typical beer drinkers wouldn't be interested in donating to the clothing drive, or be unaware that the clothing drive would be happening. The conventions of the office are broken, namely the business casual dress code that is ignored. It's almost like a "it's fine to be naked at work, it's for beer" kind of attitude. On the other hand, the conventions for an ordinary clothing drive are broken as well. It looks as though nobody in the office had really thought to bring anything, but literally donate all that they have to offer to get a beer. A line, literally says, "It's for a good cause." The good cause that a clothing drive usually drive towards is completely made invisible in this ad, to make room for the humorous idea of what beer drinkers will do for beer.
The social playground that is constructed happens to bee fully dressed women attempting to assimilate with all of these naked men; not the other way around. It creates a position for beer as a very laid back drink. These men were drinking beer, at work, and not thinking anything of it. By the end of the ad, some men were even completely naked, but nothing is mentioned about how drunk these people must be to have taken that many articles of clothing off. This brings to light, again, how laid back the drink is.

1 comment:

  1. Could you run this ad for Stella Artois? Fat Tire? And why or why not?

    And what do we do with the poor 'Ugly Betty' 'secretary'? who keep all her out-of-style clothes on all the time?
