Thursday, September 29, 2011

Ah, I wish I could have that coat... Oh and those boots!

So when I read the blogging assignment I though okay this should be easy. WRONG. Finding things you do unconsciously everyday is tough. So I went looking online. After looking at picture after picture I realized something. That same activity is what countless girls do each day. Looking, looking, looking at girls. Not in the way that guys would look at girls, but observing comparing the girls they see whether in person, in magazines, on TV, or on Facebook to themselves. We compare like crazy! Hair, makeup, clothes, body type, body movements, everything and anything. We compare and then we take actions based on what we observe. We try to do our hair like the girl we saw on the bus yesterday, or try standing like the girl flirting with that guy last weekend, or maybe we go and buy some super heels because models are always so tall and we secretly want a piece of that glamour (or what we've been told is glamour). In this sense, we are all subjectifying each other constantly; a giant circle of being influenced and influencing or in a term we have been using "pursuits without terminus." Of course this is our given choice, but as Bordo points out it feels good sometimes to get dressed up or exercise. The "docile body" makes perfect sense to me because everyone all the time is "eagerly going along" whether it is with fashion trends, the new diets, the new body type, the new hair style, the new phone, the new shoes, everything we are constantly keeping up whether we actively have to think about it or not. So I am suggesting to maybe catch yourself the next time you try something new. Are you doing it for yourself or just to keep up and try to reach that "intelligible body" that is impossible to attain? 


  1. I completely agree. Originality and the idea of each individual taking on one's own unique style seems to take the back seat. It seems to be all about conforming with majority while comfort, practicality and functionality are largely disregarded. While observing the trends and mannerisms of others is all well and good, trying to emulate them and take them as standards to live up or things that need to be obtained seems foolish and not conducive to a diverse, unique, and independent minded set of individuals that would make for a productive society.

  2. You make such a great point. Whether we accept it or not, we all do this...we compare ourselves with others, especially if you are a female because that is what we do. We look around and see cute things that girls wear and say to ourselves, "That is really cute...I wonder where she got it from?" ...and Facebook can be a dangerous place because we would find ourselves comparing not just our looks but our lives as well with other people. The concept of the docile body connects very well with your point in that we go along with trends and follow them as close as possible.

  3. I'm thinking of Leppert /Mulvey's idea that fantasy links our self image to THIS image (and all the pretty, stylish 'girls' images). What's the fantasy here (beyond the clothes)? What's that long white stick?
