Sunday, September 18, 2011

Historic and Fashionable Footwear

The moccasin, originally worn by Native Americans, was worn because of its practicality and efficient design. It was usually made of deerskin or other soft leather and was sometimes beaded for design. Today, moccasins are a fashion staple, found in almost everyone’s closet. While some people, including myself, stick with the generic Target brand moccasins for $20, there are many brands taking this classic garment and turning it into a luxury item, like the brand UGG for example, who sell their moccasin slippers for $100.When I read this object, I think it is interesting how society can take something so simple and turn it into something that is fashionable and “cool” to wear.


  1. I was just thinking about this the other day! We are SO capitalistic sometimes I can't stand it. We are always trying to out do the other people around and make more profit, even if it is just fabric or makeup. How many mascara types are there out there!? TOO MANY! and they mainly all do the same thing. This also reminds me of how materialized we've become as people. Shoes are shoes and the ones from Target are only a little different then any name brand, but yet so many people will just buy things to have the status of being able to spend that type of money on a pair of shoes.

    We are also always changing the new fabs... We are going in circles because once one thing gets old and companies or whoever must think of a new way to get the money out of our pockets. The "old fashion" stuff is what gets me the most. I love wear my grandma's old jewelry, but when the market is making a cheaply made locket (material wise) and jacking up the price I find no originality in that.

    I wasn't sure how we were exactly suppose to comment but I hope this is okay. I'm glad you brought this up :)

  2. Minnetonka Moccasins (in the picture) are and have been locally made on Hennepin Ave and 13th St SE near the Como neighborhood just off campus. Its interesting that something as simple as a slip-on shoe can acquire a global following and still reside in our back yard.
