Sunday, September 18, 2011

Gatorade: The winning formula.

This advertisement is very intriguing to me. It covers many corners if you will. it covers success and failure in the advertisement. Depending on your point of view, you are either in the seat as the athlete on the brink of success, or you are that loser that just blew the game for the rest of the guys. I think it reinforces that Gatorade was the deciding factor of your success or failure.

It is also a very masculine oriented advertisement since the quality seems a bit dated, and prior to the explosion of popularity in the female basketball, lacrosse, soccer and similar female sports arenas that became so much more popular toward the turn of the century.(I think that's about right, late 90s or so...)

The sports drink also gives the impression that through their hard work in the lab, you won't have to train nearly as hard to obtain outstanding feats such as Michael Jordan's dominance in the NBA.

1 comment:

  1. All true. And more; these are ACTUAL moments in sports history, re-made with a different ending. Got to be a real fan to know the background. The sort of dumb 'moments count' theme is pretty much covered by the amazing video rebuilding of the actual events.
