Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Magical Apple iPad

This advertisement plays on the frustration that people have with technological devices. Apple seeks to show that the iPad replaces the difficult-to-use, unintuitive interfaces of the PC with a more natural system that mimics the real world. It’s just touch.

The advertisement begins with the visual rhetoric of a simple black background and a hand reaching toward the flat surface of the iPad with an emphasis on one finger. This gives a feel of simplicity and stark contrast from the brightly colored images and sounds that populate conventional TV ads. The subject of the video is not so much the iPad itself, but rather the content on the iPad’s screen and the single finger manipulating it.

The statement “This is what we believe: technology alone is not enough” argues that it takes more than hardware to create a successful product. Today, there are numerous iPad competitors that (on the outside) appear almost identical, but are running completely different software. Apple makes the statement that their software is truly different.

By displaying the applications for their product (health monitoring, reading, playing guitar and more) the advertisement seeks to show the varied functions of the iPad. Of particular interest is the cut from a child’s hand tracing the number “2” on the screen to a doctor or scientist manipulating images of the human brain. One single device has a myriad of uses all depending on the software installed on it.

The iPad acts as a symbol of innovation and change in the electronics industry: from the clunky PC to a thin, colorful touch screen. “When technology gets out of the way, everything becomes more delightful.”

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