Sunday, September 25, 2011

My Position on Pot Smokers.

I think that the two articles we read speak a lot about how cultures and sub-cultures mold how we perceive ourselves and how we act. Becker pointed out in his article how important it was (according to the group he studied) for the novice to have peers smoking pot around "him." Without these important people, he would not know that his cold feet were a symptom of getting high. Pot is an "object" because it is a huge part of culture. Some people wreak of pot and I am the first to admit that I judge ("read" thier culture) them for that. If I smell pot on a person, he or she doesn't stand a chance in getting my respect. It may be wrong or right, and I am not necessarily proud of it, but that is really how I feel. I will never forget being about ten years old riding in a car with a two of my brothers. They were smoking pot and saying that they were gonna get me high from breathing their smoke. Maybe this is why I judge people who most likely smoke pot. Their color honestly doesn't make any difference to me. My nephew smokes pot and he is white. Then again, if a person smokes pot due to chronic pain or some other illness, I am supportive of it because it helps them to cope each day. Is this "position" a double standard? I suppose to many it is. What part of culture made me view things this way? Regardless, this is my position. I can watch pot smokers on shows (That 70's Show) or movies (Half-Baked) and laugh, but in reality, I see it as a drug which doesn't do much good in general and just makes people lazy and rather a nuisance.

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