Sunday, November 20, 2011

This engagement photo screams "romantic" to me. First of all, this couple is fairly young, most likely with big dreams and ambitions. He chose her out of all the fish in the sea. His one and only love. Second of all, they are alone (besides the photographer) in a secluded field. Possibly back to their first picnic or walk together? She is the only one that matters at this moment in time, no bystanders are important. This is the only girl for him and his and her face show love and excitement, which is truly romantic. Lastly, the fact that this soon-to- be fiance hired a SECRET photographer to catch this exact moment is incredibly romantic. This moment will be remembered forever. I think this would be a dream come true for a lot of women, including me.
This image argues that anything but this exact proposal would be less romantic. Of course, once she slips that ring on her left ring finger, they promise to 100 percent devote their time, energy and their whole self to each other, which is the same promise any proposal makes. But, for every woman to have this high of expectations for her engagement is ridiculous. She is setting herself up for a big disappointment. We must remember the gap between the "image" and our own "self-image." Yes, this is an epic proposal, just you and your future husband, but there are plenty of other ways to get the same "aww" moment. Who decided that a diamond had to be the engagement stone, or that the guy proposes, or that he has to get on one knee? As Robin said, "It comes from somewhere." This proposal is a perfect example of an aspect of psychodynamics. Male proposes on one knee with a diamond, the "perfect" way, well, to society anyways.


  1. Please disregard the above comment. I was just testing it because I was having a hard time getting them posted. Thanks.
