Friday, November 18, 2011

And This is How You Make the Roaches Scatter

This movie was so full of so many interesting scenes and beautiful momenets. Yet, the one very pungent moment which actually made me sick to my stomach was when the asshole colonal Quaritch, was heading the destruction of the Navi village and their sacred tree.I wasn't noticing music, although I am sure that subliminally it was effecting me. All I noticed was the fact taht he was just sitting all safe and sound from the Navi arrows and the poisonous atmosphere of Pandora in his ship, floating there andd ordering the firing of missiles. He watched the destruction as if he were watching the morning news and HE WAS SIPPING A NICE CUP OF COFFEE! His complete disconnection with the Navi as living creatures who had just as much a right to live as he did, simply because they had tails and didn't look like humans, was so disturbing to me.

Another disturbing part of this moment was when he said:"And this is how you make the roaches scatter." This moment was so disturbing to me because it reminded me of what happened in the Republic of Rowanda and how the Hutu extremists called the Tutsi "roaches." The first step in genocide is to de-humanize the people one seeks to eliminate. If they are no longer human, they can easily and without consciousness be destroyed: "The Jews are a race, but they are not a human race."-Hitler.

The ugliness of this one moment in the film was as equally disturbing to me as the entire beauty of this movie was awe-inspiring. I even had to remind myself that this guy was just an actor and in reality could be a very nice person who supported equality world-wide. There is all of this talk about Avatar Depression, but if the movie were to end right then and there, I think I would be glad to get out of it.

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