Sunday, November 13, 2011

Neytiri saves Jake.. Again

I chose the scene near the end of the movie, beginning when Neytiri is pinned behind one of those large dog-like creatures. It is essentially good vs. evil in their final battle to the death. Colonel Quaritch is in his semi-destroyed fighter robot resisting Jake's attempts to kill him. Unintentionally, but with his own weapon, Col. Quaritch breaks the window to the capsule where Jake's human body is being stored. Humans cannot breathe on Pandora, and the alarm inside his chamber is blaring in the background which creates a "race against time" mentality for the scene. As Jake's human body gasps for air, his avatar body becomes weak as well. Quaritch manages to crush the other chamber next to Jake's, which is luckily empty. Jake is passed out switching between bodies, which allows Quaritch to finally take the advantage. He grabs Jake by his ponytail thing, which I think is important given its functionality as a connector to the world of Pandora. He gives Jake the classic super threatening, prolonged death stare as he prepares to kill him. Of course, during this death stare Neytiri is finally able to free herself. She shoots him twice, with their infamous poisonous arrows. It is ironic to me that Quaritch warns Jake of the very arrows that end up killing him at the beginning of the movie. Quatrich is vanquished and collapses. Jake is outside his chamber struggling to get at the air-mask, but fails. Neytiri busts in and saves him with the air-mask (how does she know that's what will save him?). They share a loving eye to eye and say, "I see you."

I think the scene is at first conveying the message of an epic final fight scene. The music as the scene begins gets the viewer on the edge of their seats. It is human nature to wish for closure, and one can sense that this scene is leading up to that point. Again the noble savage is a focus, as Neytiri fights against the odds (and Quaritch) to save Jake's helpless (white messiah?) corpse. When they say "I see you" I think they are referring to finally seeing each other in their true forms. Super corny, but oddly fulfilling. Although in reality I think Jake would have more of a feeling of "beer goggles," than loving affection. Fault Avatar for being full of cliches and played out narratives all you want, but it is fantastic entertainment.

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