The link above leads you to Youtube to watch the lantern scene from the Disney movie Tangled. If you have not seen Tangled, it is basically the story of Rapunzel and how she has lived in a tower her whole life. Flynn, a thief, stumbles upon her and along with him, she discovers the world for the first time and her identity as well. This scene is when Flynn takes Rapunzel out onto a boat to see the lanterns that she has been awaiting her whole life. The purpose behind the lanterns is that every year on Rapunzel's birthday, her kingdom releases thousands of lanterns in the hope that the princess would return. Little does Rapunzel know that she is the princess that her kingdom has been looking for. In this scene Flynn and Rapunzel realize that they have a special connection and adore each other.
This scene is perhaps my most favorite from the movie because it brings such joy and conveys a magical feeling. In the beginning of the clip, the viewer sees a king and queen releasing a lantern and slowly the whole kingdom is lit up with thousands of lanterns. The camera pans over to Rapunzel on the boat and the touching and beautiful song "I See the Light" plays in the background as she gazes at all of the lanterns in the sky. She turns back and sees Flynn holding two lanterns, one for him and one for her to release together. She gives him back his satchel as she promised after trusting him and they sing together and share a special moment. The two look into each other's eyes and then are about to kiss at the perfect moment. This scene is the perfect moment from any fairy tale that a little girl loves. It does a great job in making the moment very beautiful with the effects of the lanterns and pretty setting. It makes the viewer want to have an "Awww" moment and possibly shed a tear. The viewer is placed in a position to be captured by this scene and to adore the couple.
The purpose of this scene and its effect on me is that it gives me such a magical feeling because I want to BE in that scene/moment too. Just like any girl that loves Disney movies, we love scenes or stories where the prince rescues the damsel in distress. We love romantic/cheesy moments because they are adorable and instill in us a desire to find the "right one" as some would call it. This scene wants to capture the hearts of its viewers and to love the couple, Flynn and Rapunzel. I'd say it did a successful job but what I experience from this scene can be different from others. While I found this clip touching and beautiful others might say this scene is too cheesy and unconvincing. The concept of feelings or emotions over reason and fact correlates to this because the feeling of love is prevalent in this scene and influences the viewer to be touched by this moment.
I am definitely along with you on this one! I LOVE Disney movies and used to tell everyone my name was Pocahontas or Esmeralda when I was little. I am feeling that "Awwww" moment and long to have one of my own just as you have described. As I watched the clip I found myself smiling until the very end when my new CSCL knowledge busted my happy bubble. Flynn reaches for Rapunzel and places his hand on the side of her face right by her neck; this action left me wondering, "Who even started that action? What if that was constructed as well and its not just an intuition feeling when we want to kiss someone." I hate these thoughts because they bursted my little happy bubble of thinking everything is perfect, happy, and innocent. That everything is new and pure and untainted by the world. This thought changed all of that because this "hand cupping the face thing" is in TONS of romantic scenes and is THE signature move of "prepare yourself I'm going to kiss you." This drives me crazy that CSCL did this to almost everything I watch and look at I find myself also analyzing. I guess this is a good thing though because it makes me want to find things out for myself and be more intellectually stimulated than just always letting my heart do all the analysis.
ReplyDeleteHow's it 'romantic'? (well, how ISN'T it?). THe savior. THe love of love. THe lost and found woman--all pretty powerful (all work on me).