Sunday, December 4, 2011

Marriage and what has become of it.

When thinking about marriage, gay marriage may be the first thing that comes to your mind. There are many religious opinions and views on this matter, but whether gay, straight, or bisexual if you truly want to spend the rest of your life with someone you love and care about you should have that chance and you should receive the same rights that have been offered to married couples for years. Many say that gay marriage is a disgrace to the union, I would have to whole-hearted disagree with this. A true disgrace to marriage would be the couples that marry and do not truly understand the act of what they are doing. 

The couples that speak the words "until death do us part" with no intention of doing so. Marriage is not a joke but is a truly sacred practice to some religions. Even putting religion aside joining with a partner for life SHOULD mean the world to the one speaking the vows. When the presider has you say through "rich or poor, sickness and health" he means through every high and every low you should be there for this person. Marriage is not a state in life one should strive for just because many people view it as the final step in life. It should be taken with all seriousness, you are being legally BINDED with a person for the rest of your life. 

Many times you will find couples that are more married to each other than two people who have actually had a wedding and signed all the papers, stating the vows and giving/receiving rings, THE WHOLE SHA-BANG! These couples that live together unmarried are handling situations much better, they are actually being there through both thick and thin. So many marriages are ending in divorce or separation today because of small things that can be worked out with deep discussions, counseling, and small changes around the household. Many spouses are just giving up on their significant others because they have let life get in the way of their love or should not have even been married in the first place. Marriage is hard! You will have to work at it everyday for years to come and that is part of the experience. Who would want a marriage that was just absolutely perfect all the time? Fighting all the time is not good, but is it not reassuring to still have some things to discuss and work through throughout the years?

What I am trying to get at is marriage is a sacred act. One combining two beings for life because of their feelings for each other. It is not a game, its not just a stage in a life, it is an institution of love, kindness, caring, no matter your sexual orientation. 


  1. Wow, your post was very powerful and I enjoyed reading it. I completely agree that a couple's sexual orientation should not matter in a marriage as long as both souls are joined and committed to a life long marriage. Yes, marriage is no doubt very difficult and it is sad to see couples give up on this institution by not working out their problems and not taking it seriously. They view marriage as a joke and are wasting their right to marriage while other couples would give anything to be married to one another. I agree with your post.

  2. Good time to think about that Romantic structure of feeling--which elegantly gets expressed in Amanda's view of almost sacred unions. And I like the idea that 'love' makes a bridge.
