Early in our work, we listened to Gang of Four ask 'Why theory?' They sing 'We've all got opinions. Where do they come from?' This project asks us to explore where opinions come from—actually our whole views of the world—by examining bits of our personal and public histories. Where, exactly DID some of our 'opinions' come from?

Write a tiny mini-history in which you show how particular events, people, forces, spaces, objects and so on have contributed to your 'story' of who you are. Remember that we're suspicious of Grand Narratives, and that we know that every story will be shot through with ideology—can't not be. In fact, it' this critical look at the 'stories' that ordered our lives that can be the most interesting part of this project. Got images? Put 'em in. Find things that mattered (songs, movies, soccer, Girl Scouts, school, 4H)? Talk about it. Is it important who you (the writer) are, too? Talk about that. Need models? Well, that's tough, because all of us are so different and so are our stories. But no stupid Yearbook-ish generalities. No pious 'moral lessons learned.' Think Spiegelman—right, you maybe can't draw like him, but we can all try to THINK like him….
Look hard, talk with your family and friends, share your ideas with your group. Show us how a life took shape, and how you shape the story.
Does this one need 'theory'? Not so much, but it really does need to do our kind of work: to show us how big historical operations play out in our very intimate lives.
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